Tuesday 16 December 2014

Top 20 League of legends songs

This is top 20 beast LOL songs.
By the way LOL stands for League of Legends.
So people please please please enjoy and watch.


This is Yasuo by Instalok it is awesome.
This is a League of Legends song.
So people please watch and enjoy.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Clickity clack goes the dominoes

This is the biggest/longest domino set in the world.
It has (this is my guess) 1,000,000 dominoes.
It dose get a little boring in the middle but enjoy:) .

Rex sai jg

This is Rex-Sai jg she is a girl and should get her burrow first.
Her ultimate is awesome it is making holes in the ground that teleport to each other.
so please watch and enjoy Rex-Sai jg.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

I bet my life

This is I bet my life imagine dragons.
This song is so awesome because I love it and my brothers do to.
So please watch and enjoy.